Monday, 21 June 2010

TEEN: White is for Witching - Helen Oyeyemi


High on the cliffs near Dover, the Silver family is reeling from the loss of Lily, mother of twins Eliot and Miranda, and beloved wife of Luc. Miranda misses her with particular intensity. Their mazy, capricious house belonged to her mother's ancestors, and to Miranda, newly attuned to spirits, newly hungry for chalk, it seems they have never left. Forcing apples to grow in winter, revealing and concealing secret floors, the house is fiercely possessive of young Miranda. Joining voices with her brother and her best friend Ore, it tells her story: haunting in every sense, and a spine-tingling tribute to the power of magic, myth and memory. Miri I conjure you...


To be honest a novel that not only confused me but one that took me a while to get into. Not that it’s a bad novel or anything just the almost disjointed way in which the author starts each section fried my mind a little, although personally speaking that’s not a bad thing. What unfurls within this offering is a ghost tale that literally haunt the reader from the first 20 pages to the last few as you’re taken on a journey weirder than the twilight zone. Perhaps not the best book for everyone but one that definitely is worth a look if you want something a little different to the norm.

1 comment:

  1. This looks good but not sure i will read it. Sounds a tough one.
