Wednesday, 27 April 2011

3+: Wanda and the Alien - Sue Hendra

Release Date: 28/04/11


What would you do if you found an alien? Would you run screaming and try and scare him away? Or would you show him all the best things to do? In this lovely story about accepting differences and sharing, Wanda and the alien become best friends. But where are all of Wanda's friends? Can you find them? They can't have gone far!


Children’s books always have to do a number of things to keep the readers interested, firstly they need a story that the readee can not only follow but understand and see the fun in to a certain extent, and then they need brightly coloured images to help bring it across and perhaps best of all a moral at the end.

Whilst some could argue that this title is overly simplistic it’s because of the passion behind it as well as the plot line that I really have to recommend it. It’s not gone for anything fancy; it’s not seeking to blind you with pop-ups or brilliance but with its heartfelt angle as well as demonstrating that you have to get to know someone and that seeking out new things can give you some wonderful surprises. It’s a story that is heart-warming, it has great characters and due to its brightness it’s a story that will demand more than one reread.

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