Penguin would love to take part in the Big Annual Talent Show. But he just can't seem to find his special talent. He tries magic tricks and juggling household appliances - even burping the alphabet...But nothing seems quite right. Can his friends help him discover what he's really good at? This is an even-funnier follow-up to the brilliant Boy Who Cried Ninja. Alex Latimer has created another beautiful, atmospheric world that you long to visit and return to.
In a world where it seems that everyone has a talent and you don’t it’s always hard to help reassure your young reader that they have a gift that just hasn’t flowered yet. This is where this book by Alex Latimer comes in, as it features a Penguin who can’t do anything like his friends can and feels that he’s a let-down. Its quirky, it has bright images and the overall message within is a positive one that I absolutely loved. Add to this some charming characters, a wonderful story arc and all in the positive message will filter through to your young reader.

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