Busy Hen has five little chicks to look after while making sure number six - still an egg- stays warm. The last thing she needs is hairy, scary Fox sniffing about. She is frantic when the other birds warn her that her chicks are in danger, but her five little chicks are a lot braver than she realises! The rollicking rhythmic text is rammed with catchy refrains that beg to be shouted out. Children will love the repeated action words and thinking of new ways to act them out.
Six Little Chicks, some farm animals and a crafty fox in this wonderful story by Jez Alborough. It has some wonderful rhyming language, some great refrains and of course illustrations that match the storytelling style beautifully. Add to this some smart thinking, different animals banding together and a wonderful outcome all in, and this is a story that many people will enjoy reading time and again to their children. Don’t be surprised if this becomes a firm favourite and of course remember to encourage your Young Reader to join in to get the most from it.

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