THE HUNGER GAMES is a global publishing phenomenon and is soon to be a high-octane, big-budget Hollywood box-office hit. With a full author profile and interesting insights into the three-book series and its main themes - from the nature of evil, weaponry, rebellions and surviving the end of the world - this companion guide will give millions of readers the insider information that they've been waiting for since book one! The New York Times bestselling author of THE TWILIGHT COMPANION, Lois Gresh, once again gives fans the fascinating facts behind the fiction.
Whilst I’ve not had the pleasure of this series, friends of mine who have read them have let me know that I’ve been missing a treat. In addition to this, with the film coming to a cinema near you I felt that in order to get the full impact from the experience that I ought to read this companion, so settling down yesterday, I picked up this book and began reading.
What I read however soon had me wishing that I hadn’t bothered as rather than a companion this felt more like a book that was there to debate not only the philosophy of the authors world but also who was really in the wrong backing up the relevant points with essays. I didn’t want that in a book that is supposed to be a companion and I suspect that it will more than catch a few others out.
All in, I’d advise you to avoid purchasing this title as it won’t add anything to the series let alone encourage your young reader to enjoy the world of books. A great shame to be honest.

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