Puss In Boots tells the swashbuckling tale of Puss's early days: his life in the orphanage, his friendship with Humpty Dumpty, how he meets the feisty feline Kitty (voiced by Salma Hayek), and their search for the Goose Who Laid the Golden Egg.
This purr-fect film 3D movie guide features 3-D images throughout plus a pair of 3-D glasses!
I’m one of those people who whilst I love the ideas behind things as well as watching them come to life, cannot see 3d, it was the bane of my childhood and sadly it’s still the bane of my adult life as all I see is the image clearly through the coloured glasses. (That said, I’ve yet to try the new 3d experience at the cinema so it may have changed now.)
So this review is really based on what my nephews saw when I showed them this title. Not only were they delighted but they kept removing the glasses to see how it worked only to look puzzled. They looked from the left, they looked from the right and then they demanded that they be allowed to wear the glasses and wanted the book put on their walls so that they could enjoy the whole experience again. Its fun, it gives a great sense of wonder and for that alone, it’s well worth the price. Add to this of course that you get the DreamWorks magic thrown in and it’s a great product all round. Now my nephews are demanding to see the film and my name is mud in their parent’s houses.

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